What mechanism are you adopting for a Notice of Delay - Covid 19?

Asked 4 years ago

2020-04-01 08:22:21

I'm interested to know, how you and your clients have notified your contracting party on the impact of Covid 19?

Yes, it seems common discussions are on the Force majeure event and I have been made aware of some people intent on claiming a statutory change after the base date as a Relevant Event.

I do not think it is quite straightforward to secure an extension of time on those two events, since currently not all sites are closed, indeed, some firms have re-opened some sites.

I believe each site will be judged on its own merit, for example, it is hard to see how construction workers can observe the social distancing regime when constructing a tall building [workers using the hoist/lifts and staircase for 50 storey to the work face]? Indeed, just think about the canteen usage? The government themselves have given out mixed messages stating that construction should still continue.

Any views?

Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford

Asked on Wed, Apr 1, 2020 8:22 AM

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