News tagged smart-infrastructure
  • Costain drops the ‘smart’

    In recent years Costain has liked to style itself as the “smart infrastructure solutions company” – but not anymore.

  • Smart infrastructure: A tech revolution for tomorrow, ready today

    The integration of inexpensive sensors, image capture, always-on wireless connections, advanced 3D visualization, GIS technology and BIM has revolutionized the AEC industry. This smart infrastructure creates an intelligent nervous system, enhancing professionals' ability to define infrastructure needs with precision and efficiency.

  • Siemens welcomes its first Australian Xcelerator partners

    Siemens has partnered with Bueno and Setmetrics, two Australian companies in the smart infrastructure sector, welcoming them to Siemens Xcelerator … The post Siemens welcomes its first Australian Xcelerator partners appeared first on Inside Construction.

  • Digital Twins Help Infrastructure Become Smarter

    A "smart infrastructure" approach demands that utility and IoT data inform major infrastructure programs from a database such as that in a geographical information system.

  • Improving construction material efficiency by uncovering blind spots

    Omar Abo Madyan, research associate at the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure & Construction, University of Cambridge, examines how to tackle carbon blind spots and data gaps that are holding back construction material efficiency. The post Improving construction material efficiency by uncovering blind spots appeared first on Planning, BIM & Construction Today.

Businesses tagged smart-infrastructure

    RINNO is a H2020 project to develop, validate and demonstrate an operational interface with augmented intelligence and an occupant-centered approach that will streamline and facilitate the whole lifecycle of building renovation (planning-design, retrofitting, monitoring).

  • ProjectReady

    ProjectReady is a collaborative project information management solution that distills data and information across projects to empower decision making, reduce risk, and save money. Our ability to apply automation and governance to system integration empowers users to drive faster, more effective decisions in the field and behind the scenes. Reduce labor costs, delays, rework, budget overruns, safety issues, and the likelihood of litigation when you use ProjectReady to sync information across the platforms you use most, like Procore, BIM 360, SharePoint, PlanGrid, BOX, and others.

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