News tagged heating
Resources tagged heating
  • Everything Electric Show - THIS is How to Speed Up The Heat Pump Rollout 26072023

    Could a shared network of ground source heat pumps be the solution to decarbonising millions of UK homes? Is the solution literally beneath our feet? Imogen and the team went to Stithians in Cornwall to talk to Kensa Utilities about their Heat the Streets project and how they’re helping to tackle the climate crisis through networked ground source heat pumps and funded arrays. These networks are being proposed as an alternative to the gas grid for rural and urban areas across the UK.

  • Fully-Charged Show - THIS Is The Future Of Home Heating! 01112023

    Heat pumps are heralded as a super efficient and cost effective way to heat our homes. But what exactly is inside this big box that apparently works like a backwards fridge and how exactly does a heat pump work?! Scientist, Dr Helen Czerski finds out

  • Undecided - Why Heat Pumps are Essential for the Future, 07062022

    We have a home heating and cooling (HVAC) solution that could move 3-5x more heat than the electricity we put into it. Air source and geothermal heat pumps are an amazing piece of counter-intuitive technology that can be 300-500% efficient. In the past they struggled in more extreme conditions, but things have come a long way since then. How well do heat pumps actually work? And should we be using them everywhere? Let’s see if we can come to a decision on this

  • DW Plant A - Geothermal energy is renewable and powerful. Why is most of it untapped?

    Geothermal = Heat from the Earth The potential of geothermal energy seems enormous. If estimates are correct, then the heat under our feet amounts to 50,000 times more power than all the oil and gas resources in the world. So why isn't everybody using this renewable energy?

  • Passive House Requirements - Published by the Passive House Institute

    For a building to be considered a Passive House, it must meet the following criteria

Businesses tagged heating
  • The Underfloor Heating Company London

    We offer several services, including new underfloor heating repairs, installation, emergency callouts and maintenance. Our company focuses on underfloor heating systems both wet and electric while competitor companies offer underfloor heating as only part of their portfolio. The UFHC has developed unparalleled expertise in these systems and is frequently called in to sort out issues left by less experienced installers.

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