News tagged VAT
Resources tagged VAT
  • Architects' Journal - RetroFirst: The Greenest Building is the One that Already Exists (long version), 27052021

    This video promotes the Architects’ Journal’s RetroFirst campaign and highlights why we should consider RetroFit first. A staggering 50,000 buildings are demolished every year. Fossil fuel-hungry materials like cement and steel are gobbled up as they are erased and replaced with shiny new structures. This wasteful system is encouraged by the planning rules and a system of VAT which makes demolition and rebuild cheap and refurbishment and retrofit expensive.

  • Architects' Journal - RetroFirst: The Greenest Building is the One that Already Exists, 27052021

    A staggering 50,000 buildings are demolished every year. Fossil fuel-hungry materials like cement and steel are gobbled up as they are erased and replaced with shiny new structures. Shockingly, this wasteful system is encouraged by the planning rules and a system of VAT which makes demolition and rebuild cheap and refurbishment and retrofit expensive. But what if we reform this approach to reuse existing buildings wherever possible?

  • Old course notes - CEM, VAT on Land & Buildings

    CPD Study Pack from the College of Estate Management that: - provides an appreciation of the general operation of VAT - highlights the importance of the ability to recover VAT paid out on business activities - recognises those property transactions where VAT must be charged - recognise equally those property transactions where VAT may be charged, and where VAT cannot be charged - looks at how to apply the effects of the VAT rules when considering the marketing or the valuing of property

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