Is your Tender Programme/Schedule longer now prior to Contract agreement due to productivity reduction?

Asked 3 years ago

2020-09-22 21:45:47

In light of the recent announcement today from the UK government on restrictions due to the upsurge in Covid19 amongst the population and the higher risk of a second national lockdown and/or "circuit break" lockdowns I was wondering what approach are Contractors, the Supply Chain and indeed, Employers are taking on the risk of reduced productivity in the Schedule/Programme?

Have you or, are you aware that the Programme, prior to agreement of the Contract, includes the risk of reduced productivity with the effect of a longer than what would be in normal times, Completion Date?

Interested to hear any thoughts on this or is it that some are just chasing overhead recovery due to the current and predicted economic slow down? Or the Employer is not interested in accepting the risk and wants the shortest possible schedule/programme period?

How has discussions progressed with the Employer and/or the Contractor when in receipt of the risk of a longer than expected schedule/programme

Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford

Asked on Tue, Sep 22, 2020 9:45 PM

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