Does an integrated MEP package provide best value when constructing new build apartments?

Asked 3 years ago

2020-05-13 14:59:44

Whilst this is a wide and somewhat varied question since it will depend upon the value of the package, the availability of the supply chain, the number of apartments in the building, how many buildings are there, location of the scheme, the programme and the level of specification to name a few.

I am interested to hear opinions on this since on the one side there is the continued voice in support of the combined MEP package due to the transfer of risk and reduction in management cost for the main contractor. But the opposite to that, is some of that management cost has really been transferred to the MEP sub-contractor, there is also a large lost of control and is it too much work left in the hands of one firm?

Andrew Crawford
Andrew Crawford

Asked on Wed, May 13, 2020 2:59 PM

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