Sustainable Supply Chain Interview Request

Asked 1 year ago

2022-08-12 08:57:30

Good day,

My name is Sergio Orjuela and I am an MSc student in construction & project management at Queen’s University Belfast. I am currently conducting a research project in the field of Sustainable Supply Chain Management. The provisional title of my study is ‘The Sustainable Supply Chain Management concepts applied in the UK and Northern Ireland construction industry.’

I would like to arrange an interview with some professionals to support my research, you can be involve in any part of the supply chain, as a Designer, Project Manager, Project Developer, Supplier, Manufacturer or someone involved in the procurement or evaluation of the projects.

We can conduct the interview in person or via a computer/telephone line, as the circumstances demand. It will take a between 30 and 45 minutes and we will arrange it at a time which suits you. The interview will be anonymous and no information in my research report will be included which will identify you. I will supply you with more information on the study topic and on the interview process once you agree. Please let me know if you are willing to take part and if you need any further details at this stage.

I really appreciate your help and do not hesitate to contact me if you require more information. 

Thanks a million. 

Sergio Orjuela
Sergio Orjuela

Asked on Fri, Aug 12, 2022 8:57 AM

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